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Supporting EOSC
Co-funded by the European Union
Co-funded by UKRI


Creating an EOSC-ready European workforce

Skills4EOSC ‘Skills for the European Open Science commons: creating a training ecosystem for Open and FAIR science’ is funded by the European Commission Horizon Europe programme (GA 101058527). Coordinated by Consortium GARR and supported by 44 partners in 18 European countries, Skills4EOSC will set up a pan-European network of competence centres to speed up the training of European researchers and harmonise the training of new professional figures for scientific data management.


Keep on reading: Skills4EOSC signs Memorandum of Understanding with COALESCE
| Sara Di Giorgio | news
Skills4EOSC is excited to announce a new collaboration with COALESCE to enhance Open Science training and science communication across Europe. Both projects share a vision of building robust support systems for Open Science: Skills4EOSC by develop...